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GBC CombBind C450E Precision Punch Electric Binding System, Binds 500 Sheets, Punches 25

SKU 7709100

Price  $878.13

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Powerful All-in-One for Professional Precision

Professional-grade system provides the reliable, multi-functional capacity needed for corporate offices. Multi-function machine has a powerful binding capacity and a built-in electric punch electric punch for easier binding. All-in-one binding machine is a perfect choice for almost any corporate environment.

Convenient CombBind For Steady Service

Classic CombBind spines are the ones most traditionally associated with binding, and that's for a good reason. Durable spines won't scratch, chip, peel or discolor over time. Professional-looking spines are an excellent choice for presentations and group projects.

Easy-to-Use, All-in-One Machine

Sturdy, all-in-one system is designed with a handy guide printed directly on the machine, so that users don't need to page through complex manuals or books to understand how to use it. GBC stands behind this high-quality system with a limited one-year warranty.

Hardworking Brand Produces High Quality with High Standards

Since 1947, GBC has been in the business of better binding, putting the very best tools for binding and laminating at your fingertips. Our work is rooted in innovative engineering, with products that create high performance solutions and empower superior results.

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