GBC® Magnapunch™ Pro Dies
GBC Promotion
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Testing the promortion
Interchangeable on demand, binding dies are available in a variety of hole patterns. They are typically compatible with one type of GBC binding machine. Choose multiple binding dies to maximize the versatility of a binding punch.
GBC® Magnapunch™ Pro Dies
GBC Magnapunch Dies
GBC MP2500iX Dies
Magnapunch 2.0 Surbind Interchangable Die Set
GBC AP-2/AP-2 Ultra Dies
GBC Magnapunch 2.0 Dies
GBC USP 13 Dies
CombBind Standard die set for USP13
Quantum P70 iX Interchangable Die Set, WireBind 3:1, Square Holes
CombBind Oversized
Looseleaf 3-5-7 Round, 5/16" Diameter
WireBind 2:1, Round Holes
WireBind 3:1, Square holes
VeloBind, 11"
GBC Color Coil Dies
WireBind 2:1, Square Holes
Quantum P70 iX Interchangable Die Set, ProClick 3:1 Pitch, Square Hole
Quantum P70 iX Interchangable Die Set, CombBind .094 Fixed
Magnapunch Interchangable Die Set, VeloBind