GBC Binding Machine, 20 Sheet Punch Capacity, 320 Sheet Binding Capacity, CombBind C20
GBC Promotion
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Testing the promortion
All-in-one binding systems can make creating professional custom reports look easy. Ideal for use in offices that need to conserve space and don't have the high volume demands.
GBC Binding Machine, 20 Sheet Punch Capacity, 320 Sheet Binding Capacity, CombBind C20
GBC VeloBind System Three Pro
GBC CombBind C800PRO Electric Binding Machine, Binds 500 Sheets, Punches 25 Sheets
GBC VeloBind System Two
GBC CombBind C210E Electric Binding Machine, Binds 330 Sheets, Punches 20 Sheets
GBC VeloBind System One Manual Punch and Electric Finisher
GBC CombBind C450E Precision Punch Electric Binding System, Binds 500 Sheets, Punches 25
GBC ProClick P210E Electric Binding Machine, Binds 110 Sheets, Punches 15 Sheets